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Optimal Health Systems Peptide Support Pak

Regular price $100.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $100.00 USD
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What's Inside?


Optimal 2 Whole Food Vitamin Mineral

Supplies your body with the basic nutrients needed for optimal health from a complete blend of all vitamins and minerals the body uses.


Optimal EFA

Provides the body with safer, more potent forms of omega-3s (from algae, flaxseed, and borage oils) to lower blood pressure and aid cardiovascular, brain, and eye health.


Muscle Rx

Provides the key nutrients your body needs to growth, repair, and sustain muscle from pre-digested patented glutamine, creatine and BCAAs.



Combines L-arginine, ornithine, and citrulline to boost nitric oxide levels and increase energy levels.



Methylated B Vitamins for peptide support and production.


Essential NADH+DIM

An essential coenzyme that is critical to promote cellular energy production and brain function.


Essential P-5-P

Provides a bioavailable form of vitamin B6 to support nerve function, cognitive development, kidney function, and improve energy levels.


Essential Resveratrol

This key phytonutrient is responsible for a lot of the signaling of peptides to be effective.


Essential Protect

A combination of phytonutrients like curcumin, EGCG, Lycopene and others that promote peptide formation and brain signaling for continued product after therapy.



Provides the four nutrients that people are most lacking, vitamins D, A, K1, and K2, to provide your body with the necessary basics


Essential Zinc

Promotes healthy skin, physical development, and physical healing


Patented Probiotics

Stabilized (proven to survive the harsh stomach environment) friendly bacteria to help the nutrients be assimilated past the gut wall and into the bloodstream. Probiotics create many energy and positive mindset chemicals in the body, but they must be delivered to the gut and colonized. Only patented and heat stabilized probiotics can guarantee this process.