BONUS episode: Two Hashimoto's Dietitians answer your FAQ

BONUS episode: Two Hashimoto's Dietitians answer your FAQ

Two dietitians are on the mission to answer your frequently asked questions.

-Why does Hashimoto cause so many digestive issues?

-Is the AIP diet good for Hashimoto's?

-Is there a test for Leaky Gut?

-Can I eat rice and potatoes with hashi?

-Should I avoid nightshade vegetables?

-Should I follow a Low Glycemic Index?

-What about low stomach acid? How does

-How do I know what vitamins/supplements to take?

-Do I really have to avoid gluten if I have Hashimoto's

-I am newly diagnosed. Can I have some gluten, or do I have to be 100% gluten-free because I'm Italian and I love my pasta.

Follow  Ingrid Anderson RDN on Instagram @weightloss.hashimotos

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